Positioning in writing

Session 03–05.10.2020 | Sweet Dreams are Made of This

Shafira Nugroho
2 min readOct 13, 2020

Manifesto ( /manɪˈfɛstəʊ/ )

a public declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of the issuer, be it an individual, group, political party or government.

Dating back all the way to 14. Century Japan, I find the Wabi-Sabi views to be very eclectic or wholesome. A hidden gem in urgent need to be recovered from the archives in our “modern” ways of living. Though not presented as a traditional manifesto, it is certainly a valid philosophy and impactful teaching.

— What is Wabi-Sabi?

In traditional Japanese aesthetics, wabi-sabi is a world view centred on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete”. It is very dissimilar to the Western world obsession of perfection, by symmetry and ideal proportion, and its taste for beauty shaped by reverence for universal laws, mathematics, appetite for the perfect and the eternal. But most notably, it is refreshingly far from the ideals rooted from Capitalism.

— Who am I?

— What is my ambition as a designer?

— What can I say about a topic of interest that no one has said before?

